Stretches for hockey players – part two.

Here is the follow up to “part one” that was posted last week. Improve your flexibility to increase your stride length and reduce the wear and tear on your hips and back.

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Stretches for Hockey Players – part one.

Off ice training for hockey – this post is in response to a request from on of you for a basic stretching program that will help hockey players.

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Should Goalies Stretch Daily?

To stretch every day or not…that is the question! Check out the video below to get the answer and a few new ways for goalies to stretch their hamstrings.

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Ultimate 12-Minute Goalie Warm-Up…coming soon!

It is the Ultimate 12-Minute Goalie Warm-Up and it will help you dominate from the second the puck drops.

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Are you wasting half of your ice time?

I don’t know any hockey players who want to waste their ice time, but if you are not performing a proper warm-up that is exactly what you are doing.

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How Hockey Goalies can use the TRX to Stretch

I will post a few different exercises for hockey goalies over the next few days, but here is a nice way for goalies to stretch their groins using the TRX.

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Are your goalie stretches reducing your flexibility?

If you try to accelerate your progress, you may actually decrease your flexibility.

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Top Three Hip Stretches for Hockey Goalies

I tried to include in this article and video the three hip stretches for goalies that you are probably not doing.

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Muscle imbalance in hockey players contributes to back pain.

Occasionally there are some athletes who actually have weak back extensors, but more often than not this discomfort is related to muscle imbalances.

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